Optimising low-dose Focused Ion Beam milling in polymer membranes

Abstract number
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Poster Session One
Dr Ofentse Makgae (1), Dr Martha Briceno (1)
1. Johnson Matthey Technology Centre

FIB, membranes, soft materials

Abstract text

A focused ion beam (FIB) is a technique in which accelerated (Ga) ions spatter material away upon interaction.1 This technique is used mainly for electron-transparent transmission electron microscopy sample preparation, FIB tomography or cross-sectional analysis of materials such as semiconductors, ceramics, metals, polymer thin films and biological specimens.1 Unlike conductive materials such as ceramics and metals, polymer membranes are non-conductive and thus susceptible to beam-induced heating during ion beam milling.2 Ion beam-induced heating in polymer membranes creates ‘melt-like’ artefacts that smear the pristine structural details of the membrane along the cross-section. In addition, it is also shown that accelerated Ga ions can result in the chemical alteration of the membrane’s chemical structure, which affects the properties of the membrane.2,3 These ion-beam-induced damage is typically circumvented by dose-controlled milling or lowering the specimen temperature via cryogenics.2,3 Here, we aim to optimise the milling parameters for polymer membrane cross-section milling by determining the optimum current, accelerating voltage and dwell time required to minimise beam-induced heating in polymer membranes. Preliminary results show that reducing the dwell time at low milling currents and high voltage reduces the beam-induced artefacts in the membrane cross-sections. The results of this study will help understand the pristine microstructure of polymer membranes in a standardised and reproducible routine cross-sectional analysis.


1. L.A. Giannuzzi, F.A. Stevie., Micron 30 (1999) 197–204

2. S. Kim et al., Ultramicroscopy 111 (2011) 191–199

3. R.J. Bailey et al., Micron 50 (2013) 51–56