The Polarimetric Study of Chiral Structures Using Dual Photo Elastic Modulator

Abstract number
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Poster Session One
Dr. Huda A. Alzahrani (1)
1. Department of Physics, College of Science, Taif University

Elastic modulator, Polarimetric, Chiral materials, Polarized Microscope

Abstract text

A dual photo elastic modulator-based Stokes polarimetric microscope, developed in the laboratory, is used to study the polarisation states locally at each pixel of the sample surface. Subsequently, these polarisation states were mathematically analysed using Stokes parameters and Mueller matrices. This technique allowed to quantify the full polarisation state of light, including the intensity of both the polarised component and the depolarised component, the degree of polarisation, the degree of linear polarisation, the degree of circular polarisation, the polarisation orientation, and the ellipticity angle. The Stokes polarimetric microscopy is applicable to a wide variety of material studies and provides insights information about the structure of various samples. Based on the experimental investigations by using the polarimetric microscope in transmission mode, the results of several selected samples are thus presented: (i) chiral metamaterials; (ii) achiral metamaterials; (iii) copper nanoparticles; and (iv) gold nanoparticles. In general, the results show good ability for the dual photoelastic modulator based polarimetric microscope in terms of exploring the polarisation characteristics of light at the sample surface by means of the measurements of relevant Stokes parameters.


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