Hydra Plasma FIB DualBeam for high-resolution cryo Auto Slice & View and reliable lamella preparation for cellular and tissue samples

Abstract number
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FIB Applications & EM Sample Prep Techniques in Biological Sciences
Ron Kelley (1), Daniela Slamková (1), Xianjun Zhang (1), Abhay Kotecha (1)
1. Thermo Fisher Scientific

cryo dualbeam, cryo FIB, plasma FIB, cryo slice and view, cryo ASV

Abstract text

The Hydra Plasma FIB DualBeam system is a powerful tool for cellular structure biology, providing unique capabilities for sample preparation and high-resolution imaging. Advanced features, including the cryo stage, multi-ion species plasma FIB, and Elstar SEM column make it ideal for imaging cellular and tissue samples at the highest resolutions. As a key application of this microscope, the cryo Auto Slice & View technique enables automated serial milling followed by imaging on vitrified biological samples. Optimized parameters with the Elstar SEM enable volumetric datasets with maximized contrast at high resolution.

In this study, we will demonstrate the capabilities of the Hydra Plasma FIB DualBeam system for cryo Auto Slice & View by showcasing whole cell volumes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chinese hamster kidney cells milled using argon ions. Additionally, we will share results of milling with different ion species on these samples. Furthermore, results from high-pressure frozen mice brain tissue showing lamella preparation and cryo Auto Slice & View will be presented.  High pressure freezing is a critical technique for preserving the native state of tissues and cellular samples and the Hydra PFIB has advantages for efficient preparation of these sample types for cryo-electron microscopy.  

Overall, the Hydra PFIB system provides a complete solution for cellular structure biology, enabling efficient lamella preparation and high-resolution imaging with the versatility for handling a wide range of cryogenic samples.