QUANTAX ED-XS: the unique solution for uncomplicated EBSD and EDS analysis

Abstract number
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Poster Session Two
Dr Meriem BEN HAJ SLAMA (1), Dr Daniel GORAN (1), Dr Laurie PALASSE (1)
1. Bruker Nano

EBDS, EDS, Bentchtop, compact SEM

Abstract text

Controlling the microstructure of a material is the key to give it better properties.  With the increasing demand for greater material performance and the tough competition in all industrial applications, it is a necessity to access microstructural characterization techniques.

One of the powerful characterization approaches is combined Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron BackScattered Diffraction (EBSD) analysis. Coupling these two techniques allows phase and morphology investigation as well as chemical composition analysis of bulk materials in SEM. With the conventional detectors, FEG SEMs with high spatial resolution and sufficiently large chambers are required. This implies very high investment and operating costs. Such facilities are unfortunately not affordable for all potential users. 

In response to this challenge, Bruker has developed the smallest and lightest EBSD detector. The e-Flash XS is the most affordable and reliable detector offering a binning capable CMOS camera. This EBSD detector is available for SEMs with small vacuum chambers, e.g. benchtop and compact... Combined with the robust XFlash® EDS detector under the versatile ESPRIT Software, it allows high quality EBSD measurements and simultaneous excellent output count rates for EDS. This enables efficient phase identification of little-known phases, as well as high speed characterization of low electron scattering yield materials.

In this presentation, several examples of analysis with QUANTAX ED-XS are reviewed. From a plethora of alloys to geo-samples, we will demonstrate the efficiency of this affordable analytical solution in characterizing complex microstructures and challenging element combinations.