Developments in cryo-EM data acquisition.

Abstract number
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Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Mr. Wim Hagen (1)
1. Thermo Fisher

cryo-EM, SPA, Tomography, data acquisition, data processing.

Abstract text

Cryo-EM has seen tremendous improvements in the last years in all its three main parts, sample preparation, data acquisition, and data processing. Generally, cryo-EM data acquisition can be broken down into two main recipes, Single Particle Analysis (SPA) and Tomography. SPA has a sub-recipe for tilted samples. Tomography requires slightly different recipes for plunge-frozen samples and FIB-milled lamellae. Additionally, for tomography, the goal can be to apply sub-tomogram averaging or collect unique tilt series with sufficient angular coverage in 3D Fourier space. All these aspects will be discussed from a practical point of view from years of experience with real-world samples, with the intention to stimulate discussion about where things are and where they might go.