Oblique plane bright-field microscopy: rapid and gentle volumetric imaging of subcellular dynamics

Abstract number
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James Manton (1)
1. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

bright field, dark field, label free, volumetric imaging, rapid imaging, high speed, live-cell

Abstract text

Oblique plane microscopy is traditionally a form of light sheet fluorescence microscopy capable of rapid volumetric imaging without moving the objective nor sample. Here, we demonstrate that an oblique plane microscopy system can also be used for high-resolution label-free imaging at volumetric rates exceeding 20 volumes per second without phototoxicity or photodamage, using bright-field illumination. We demonstrate high-speed imaging of sub-cellular dynamics using this system, and explain how it can be correlated with less frequent fluorescence imaging. We also show how iterative deconvolution can be used to aid the interpretability of bright field datasets and simplify downstream image analysis.