Spectroscopic Coherent Raman Imaging as a Discovery Tool for Biology

Abstract number
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Advances in Label-free Imaging
Professor Marcus Cicerone (1)
1. Georgia Institute of Technology

Coherent Raman Imaging, Spectroscopic Imaging

Abstract text

Spectroscopic coherent Raman imaging (CRI) methods allow label-free, chemically specific imaging of materials and biological systems and open many exciting possibilities for understanding phenomena in these systems. I will introduce spectroscopic CRI, focusing on broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (BCARS) microscopy. I will discuss approaches we have adopted to optimize signal generation with a limited photon budget and approaches we use to extract information of interest from our high-dimensional image data. I will also report on our use of BCARS to identify and explore a previously unknown biogenesis pathway in viral replication and our early efforts to develop it as a situational metabolomics surrogate.


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