The future of imaging, from microscopy to unique molecule detection

Abstract number
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Multimodal Microscopy
Mr Mehdi Madi (1)
1. Abbelight
Abstract text

Abbelight is a fast-growing company specialized in imaging solutions focusing on microscopy and Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy (super-resolution). The portfolio integrates a constantly evolving knowhow on chemistry, optics and computer science to offer a complete solution, from sample preparation to data management, including an optimal bio-imaging platform that can be adapted to all researchers’, biotech labs’ and medical facilities’ needs.

The company has developed technologies such as ASTER that allows imaging with a field of view of 150x150 μm2, the 3D super-localization strategies to get the best XYZ spatial resolution for the three-dimensional biological samples and most recently the optically perfect Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRF) imaging for optimal study of structure close to the coverslip, such as cell membranes.