EMAG 2025

Organised by the Institute of Physics's Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group (EMAG), the 2025 EMAG Conference will be incorporated into mmc2025. 

mmc2025 EMAG Keywords

Instrumentation,Techniques and Quantitative Microscopy
- Advanced EM, electron crystallography and diffraction studies
- 4D-STEM, phase-sensitive, ptyochography and Lorentz techniques
- Advances in (S)TEM instrumentation and techniques
- Advances in SEM (CL, EBSD, spectroscopy, STEM, etc)
- Spectroscopy and spectrum imaging
- Correlative microscopy
- Tomography and three-dimensional electron imaging
- In situ and dynamic microscopy techniques and development
- Low Dose/Low Voltage Imaging and analysis
- Advances in cryogenic TEM and cryogenic sample preparation
- Focused Ion Beam techniques and advances (including FEBID and sample preparation)
- Detector/Camera Technologies and New Instrumentation
- Automated Control, Advanced Data Processing and Modelling Techniques
- ‘Smart’ collection, deep/machine learning and advanced processing of large datasets

- Structural materials, composites and metallurgy
- Functional semiconductor, oxide and advanced materials
- Natural materials, geological materials and mineralogy
- Catalytic materials and supports
- Low-dimensional materials and nanomaterials
- Energy materials (storage, generation, efficiency, etc)
- Biological Materials, biomaterials, soft matter, polymers and composites
- Surface imaging and modification
- Microscopy of thin films, interfaces and heterostructures
- High resolution chemical and structural analysis