Programme Overview

Provisional conference programme for mmc2025 incorporating EMAG 2025

Please note: programme is subject to change and all times are BST, click on a title to see details of each conference session.


EMAG Session
Frontiers in Bioimaging Session
AFM & Scanning Probe Microscopies Session
Life / Physical Science Session


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Monday 30 June
1200 - 1800
EMAG Workshop (1330 - 1630)
ImageJ Workshop (1330 - 1630)
Quantitative Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) interpretation Workshop
(1330 - 1630)
BioImagingUK Meeting (1200 - 1500)
Early Career Symposium (1515 - 1800)
1800 onwards
BioImagingUK / Early Career Networking Event
Tuesday 1 July
0900 - 0905
0905 - 0950
Plenary: Extracting the Invisible from Live Cell Microscopy
Assaf Zaritsky (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Exhibition Opens
0950 - 1030
Networking Coffee Break (Exhibition Hall)
1030 - 1230

Gail McConnell & Myfanwy Adams
Cryo and In
Imaging Techniques
at the Chemistry -Biology Interface Sergio Bertazzo
FIB Applications and EM Sample Prep Techniques in Physical Sciences
Xiangli Zhong
Imaging and Measurement Techniques for Virology
Stephen Carter &
Lauren Orr
Standard Commercial Workshops (From 1030)
1230 - 1430
Lunch Break, Company Workshops & Exhibition
1430 - 1630
High Dimensional Bioimaging: Applications and Analysis
Philip Hobson & Morag Rose Hunter
Opportunities in SIMS Imaging
David Scurr
FIB Applications and EM Sample Prep Techniques in Biological Sciences
ichael Grange
Imaging Host-Pathogen Interactions
Liam Rooney & Rebecca McHugh
Standard Commercial Workshops (Until 1730)
1630 - 1830
Poster Session One & Exhibition (Exhibition Closes at 1830)
1645 - 1715
RMS Life Sciences Section AGM & Engineering, Physical & Material Sciences Section AGM
1800 - 1900
RMS AGM & RMS Outreach & Education Committee AGM
Wednesday 2 July
0900 - 0945
Plenary: Microscopy of Mesoporous Nitrides
Rachel Oliver (University of Cambridge, UK)
Exhibition Opens
0945 - 1015
Networking Coffee Break (Exhibition Hall)
1015 - 1215
EBSD Applications to Novel Materials and Minerals
John Wheeler
AFM & SPM for Biosciences
George Heath
Energy Materials: Microscopy and Analytical Advances
Sean Collins
Live Imaging Across Scales: From Single Cells to Whole Organisms in Development and Disease
Laki Pantazis
Standard Commercial Workshops (From 1015)
1215 - 1230
RMS AFM & other Scanning Probe Microscopies Section AGM
1215 - 1415
Lunch Break, Company Workshops & Exhibition
1330 - 1400
RMS Scientific Imaging Competition Prize Giving
1415 - 1615
EBSD Technique: Advances in Data Collection and Processing
Nathalie Gey
in Materials Science
ohini Kar-Narayan
Micro CT and Volume EM
Advances in Cell and Organelle Tracking: Algorithms and Applications
Jean-Yves Tinevez
Standard Commercial Workshops (Until 1715)
1615 - 1815
Poster Session Two & Exhibition (Exhibition Closes at 1815)
1645 - 1715
RMS Data Analysis in Imaging Section AGM &
RMS Light Microscopy Section AGM
RMS Electron Microscopy Section AGM
1800 - 1830
Plenary: Focussing on Advancing Opportunity in Academia
Jess Wade (Imperial College London, UK)
1930 onwards
Networking and Social Events
Thursday 3 July
0900 - 0945
Plenary: Seeing Atomic-Level Structural Dynamics in Materials: Managing Temporal Resolution and Electron Dose Rates
Peter Crozier, Arizona State University, USA
Exhibition Opens
0945 - 1015
Networking Coffee Break (Exhibition Hall)
1015 - 1215
Bioimaging in Industry
Richard Kasprowicz
Using X-rays in Biological Research
Liz Duke
AFM & SPM for Biosciences
Ioanna Mela
Cryo-EM in the Life Sciences
Chris Parmenter
Pushing Boundaries in Multiphoton Microscopy: Deeper, Faster, Smarter
Standard Commercial Workshops (From 1115)
1215 - 1400
Lunch Break & Exhibition (Exhibition Closes at 1500)
1400 - 1600
Microscopy of Materials across Industry
Andy Brown
Nanoscale X-ray Imaging: Computation Imaging Techniques and Applications
Silvia Cipiccia
Scanning Probe Microscopy of Single-molecule Assembly, Dynamics, and Reactions on Surfaces
Kristina Rusimova
Quantitative Analysis and Modelling
Kurt Anderson
Intravital and (Live) Tissue Imaging
Leo Carlin
1600 - 1645
PlenaryNovel Tools for Studying Organelle Dynamics in Health and Disease
Uri Manor, University of California, USA
1645 - 1700
Thank Yous & Poster Prize Awards
Friday 4 July
Super-resolution Workshop - Leeds, UK