BioImagingUK Meeting
This pre-congress meeting provides an opportunity for the UK Bioimaging community to discuss priorities and strategies in national infrastructure, technology development, training, careers and ways to share knowledge across different disciplines. The session will consist of short talks from members of the BioImagingUK community and industrial/institute collaboration partners to update on progress, new opportunities and initiatives. There will be interactive Q+A sessions to encourage discussion and enable emerging priorities and ideas to be highlighted. The meeting is open to everyone with an interest in bioimaging.
BioImagingUK / Early Career Networking Event - Monday 30 June, 1815 onwards. Manchester Central
Join us in celebrating the opening of mmc2025 with an informal BioImagingUK / Early Career Networking Reception in the foyer of Manchester Central.
Scientific Organiser

Georgina Fletcher
Georgina is the Project Officer for the community network BioImagingUK, an open organisation of UK scientists that develop, use, or administer imaging solutions for life science research.
Contact Georgina for BioImagingUK enquiries.