A Pharma perspective on deployment of spatial multiplex technologies for drug discovery in tissue samples.
- Abstract number
- 38
- Corresponding Email
- [email protected]
- Session
- Stream 5: High-plex Cytometry
- Authors
- Dr Jan Roger (1)
- Affiliations
1. GSK
- Keywords
spatial multiplexing; spatial transcriptomics; drug discovery; image analysis; data analysis; multiplex histology; histology; highplex; imaging;
- Abstract text
Spatial transcriptomic and proteomic assays have seen an explosion in interest, with instrument manufacturers launching new platforms monthly, publications mentioning spatial transcriptomics/ spatial proteomics increasing rapidly, and culminating in spatial resolved transcriptomics being named Nature method of the year 2020.
The theoretical benefits of multiplexing are many: true co-localisation, extracting more information from limited samples, time/ cost savings and so on. Despite much recent progress in the available commercial multiplexing platforms, there are several barriers to multiplexing technologies becoming routinely adopted as go to technologies for pre-clinical tissue assays.
The optimal benefit will be realised once technologies have single cell resolution and sufficient throughput to permit statistical power that can demonstrate meaningful differences between treatment groups, rather than acting simply as a hypothesis generating tool.
This presentation will focus on evaluating and delivering assays based on these technologies in the context of Pharma pre-clinical drug discovery, exploring our requirements, practical experiences and barriers to optimal productivity.