mmc2023 incorporating EMAG 2023 Abstract Database
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Deconstructing the tumour microenvironment in glioblastoma using imaging mass cytometry
Deep Learning in Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy for Synthetic Image Generation and Processing Pipeline
Detection and characterization of small‑sized microplastics (≥5 µm) in milk products
Detection under €1000 - Creating a sustainable, cost-effective electron detector
Detective quantum efficiency of electron ptychography techniques
Determination of electric fields in ferroelectric domains using 4D-STEM
Determining the structure and chemistry of alloyed nanoparticles for hydrogen fuel cells using advanced electron microscopy and Density Functional Theory
Determining the tensile modulus of collagen fibrils by bending on a flexible substrate.
Developing 3D standards for super-resolution imaging.
Developing cryo on-grid lamella workflows for the JEOL JIB 4700F
Development of a compressed sensing platform for High-speed Hyperspectral FLIM
Development of a photo-manipulation system combining holographic optical tweezers, patterned illumination and photoablation with real-time confocal microscopy
Developments in Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Developments in cryo-EM data acquisition.
Developments in designing a retrofittable photoelectron source for low voltage electron microscopy
Developments in scan strategies for high-speed and low-dose microscopy
Diagnosing the current-density-dependent zinc electrodeposition by in-situ liquid cell TEM
Direct detection camera as an alternative to negative staining for peptide structure determination
Direct detection EBSD with the EDAX Clarity system
Direct Observation of Zinc Dendrite Growth in Zinc Air Battery by Operando (S)TEM
Direct, nano-rheological studies of in-plane lipid dynamics in model and native membranes
Dynamics of Membrane Proteins using High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
Dynamics of twinning during compression of Mg micropillars