mmc2023 incorporating EMAG 2023 Abstract Database
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Quality Assessment & Quality Control - The needs and efforts of stakeholders in the light microscopy community
Quality assurance for GPU-accelerated bio-image analysis
Quality-driven single particle averaging of super-resolved sarcomeres
QUANTAX ED-XS: the unique solution for uncomplicated EBSD and EDS analysis
Quantifying the Effect of Gold Flame Annealing on Molecular Self-Assembly
Quantitative analysis of atomic displacements in iron/iron oxide core-shell nanoparticles and their effect on high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging
Quantitative analysis of water intrinsic properties in liquid phase transmission electron microscopy
Quantitative EELS: Instrumentation, Techniques and Applications
Quantitative scanning thermal microscopy studies of the influence of interfaces and heat transport anisotropy in 2D materials
Quantum optics meets microscopy – An ultra-sensitive resonator microscope for nano- and life sciences